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Albemarle Independent College

For a while, we have worked with Albemarle College. Based in central London, this college offers broad GCSE and A-Level curriculums in Sciences, Computer Science & Mathematics, Business & Humanities, Languages, Arts & Literature.

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Albemarle Independent College Prospectus

Our challenge was to bring a fresh and modern look to the existing college prospectus. All whilst retaining the classic and traditional feel of the college! We took great care in designing Albemarle’s prospectus, ensuring it served as a visually engaging and informative piece. The printed prospectus was beautifully put together using a high spec paper and foiling to give a quality finish.

Although said college prospectus had initially been designed and released in English, we also translated it into a Mandarin option! As one of the world’s most common languages, it drastically improves diversity and reaches out to more international students.

Not only have we lent our expertise to the production of a school prospectus. We have also crafted a series of inspirational posters! They are designed to be distributed across the bustling spaces of the London Underground. We developed concepts that not only aligned with their brand but also reflected the diversity of the London Underground. Each design compares ambitious students to inspirational figures and encourages enrolment!

London Skyline
Albemarle Prospectus - mockup
Albemarle sports
Albemarle College Logo
Albemarle College prospectus pages
Albemarle Prospectus cover
Albemarle prospectus image
Albemarle Underground Posters
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